Calculate mean with same ROI on multiple images

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Ihiertje on 1 Feb 2017
Commented: Adam on 2 Feb 2017
I used the function mmROI to draw three ROIs and calculate the mean value of this ROI in multiple images. Next, I corrected the orginal images and now I want to calculate the mean value again, using the same ROIs. However, I cannot get it done. I tried to use poly2mask and roipoly, but haven't found the solution yet. Below are the two things I've tried.
if true
I = Fluo_Corrected_ExpTime(:,:,:,1);
J = imadjust(I);
BW = roipoly(X1, Y1,J,720,1080);
hold on
plot(X1, Y1, 'r.-', 'MarkerSize',15);
if true
I = Fluo_Corrected_ExpTime(:,:,:,2);
J = imadjust(I);
ROI1 = poly2mask (X1, Y1,720,1080); %mxn is size image
Bimg = imagesc(ROI1)
Ihiertje on 1 Feb 2017
@Adam: the first time I used the function mmROI in which the mean value is calculated. However, I want to use the ROI defined in this function to use in other images. Therefore, I cannot do it the same way.
Adam on 2 Feb 2017
I've never heard of a function called mmROI so I don't really know what that does.

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