Determine excel range in writetable function

17 views (last 30 days)
I have multiple tables t1 t2...t45 and i want to write them on one sheet in excel using write table. All of them have the same number of rows but different number of columns. for example t1=6000x4 whereas t2=6000x3.How can I write these tables in consecutive columns in excel?
In other words, t1 range is A1:D6000 but I want t2 to be E1:G6000. So, I can can solve it using:
but how can i generate the range automatically with the 45 tables. some tables have 78 columns which makes it very hard to determine the range manually.

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Feb 2017
Use ExcelCol at to convert column number to a letter or pair of letters. Then do
column = 1;
columnLetters = char(ExcelCol(column));
% Convert to Excel A1 format
cellReference = sprintf('%s1', columnLetters);
% Write the table
writetable(t1,'myfile.xlsx','Sheet',1,'Range', cellReference)
% Go to next column, skipping a column.
column = column + size(t1, 2); % Change the variable name inside size().
% Should be the prior variable, not the current one you're about to write.
cellReference = sprintf('%s1', columnLetters);
% Go to next column, skipping a column.
column = column + size(t2, 2); % Change the variable name inside size().
% Should be the prior variable, not the current one you're about to write.
cellReference = sprintf('%s1', columnLetters);
% And so on....


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