How to use ode45 to plot time evolution of a system?

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I'm stuck on this question for coursework.
"Use ode45 to make a plot of the time evolution of the system with parameters α1, α2 = 10 and β, γ = 2. Assume initial conditions u0 = 2, v0 = 1. "
The differential equations are:
I have no idea where to start. I'm not really sure how to use ode45 and the explanations online are a bit too complicated for me. If somebody could help me understand how to use ode45 then I might be able to take it from there!
Jan on 15 Mar 2017
Please post, what you have tried so far and ask a specific question. Then it is possible to assist you to solve the problem without posting the full solution of your coursework. Please add this by editing the question, not as comment or answer. Thanks.
Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones on 15 Mar 2017
Hi Jan
My problem is that I don't know where to start and so can't show anything I've tried yet! I have added this to the question.

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