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cell as an input argument for normxcorr2

1 view (last 30 days)
emar on 20 Apr 2017
Commented: emar on 21 Apr 2017
Hello, I want to calculate normalized cross correlation for an image with a lot of templates(31 templates). When I define templates as a cell and i compile :
parfor ii =1 :100
% T {ii,:}=normxcorr2(template{:} ,image{ii});
It returns an error, because the inputs of normxcorr2 can't be cells. I can of course use a for loop like :
parfor ii =1 :100
for j= 25:55
% T {ii,j}=normxcorr2(template{j} ,image{ii});
However it makes more time (because of the nested loop).
My question is if there is a solution to use a cell as a parameter,in order to not use a nested loop.
Thank you in advance

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