Database Connection problem migrating sql query to Matlab 2017

2 views (last 30 days)
The following works fine in 2016b
conn_new = database('Azure Native Client', '', '')
curs = exec(conn_new, ...
strcat('SELECT * FROM bkkn.v_matlab_model_input_v3 ',well_filter),'maxRows',20000)
However, it fails in 2017
Error using database.internal.ODBCStatementHandle/executeQueryV2 ODBC Driver Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
Database and Driver Information:
DatabaseProductName: 'Microsoft SQL Server'
DatabaseProductVersion: '12.00.2531'
DriverName: 'sqlncli11.dll'
DriverVersion: '11.00.2100'

Accepted Answer

Harsh on 12 May 2017
On the MATLAB side of things, there have been no changes to the Database toolbox and connection to Microsoft SQL Server between R2016b and R2017a as seen in the release notes here: Release notes
A few things worth checking are:
  • Does the connection to the database succeed? If so, are you able to execute any other commands?
  • Since you are using ODBC, confirm that the bitness of MATLAB, the drivers and database are all 64 bit since MATLAB no longer supports 32 bit drivers as shown here:
  1 Comment
MEGC on 15 May 2017
Switched to JDBC and once I added the correct entry to javaclasspath.txt it is working fine.

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