How to know the optimal combination

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I have below matrix:
10.0 20.0 55.0 15.0 102.0 90.0
20.7 10.0 58.5 10.8 120.3 89.6
9.00 35.9 38.3 16.8 89.6 96.3
13.2 38.6 42.8 5.40 63.5 95.4
I want to know the optimal combination of column1~4 which yield smaller values in column5, and higher value in column6.
Column 1~4 is the combination (in percentage), column 5~6 are the performance indexes.
  1. Criterion of optimum(good performance): The column 5 should be smaller, and column6 should be higher. How to know which combination (column1~4) yield the good results
  2. How to use "bruit force method"

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 May 2017
How do you calculate the performance indices from the first four columns?
To find the linear regression parameters for example:
M = [10.0 20.0 55.0 15.0
20.7 10.0 58.5 10.8
9.00 35.9 38.3 16.8
13.2 38.6 42.8 5.40];
C5 = [102.0; 120.3; 89.6; 63.5];
C6 = [90.0; 89.6; 96.3; 94.4];
B5 = M\C5; % Parameters For The Current Column #5
B6 = M\C6; % Parameters For The Current Column #6
Kanakaiah Jakkula
Kanakaiah Jakkula on 14 May 2017
column 5&6 ofcourse depends on column1~4, but not calculated using column1~4. But column5&6 are strongly depends on column1~4.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 May 2017
That does not tell me anything useful.
I will delete my Answer in a few hours.

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