How to merge two figures with multiple plots

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I have two figures (.fig file). These both figures have 4 plots in them (2x2 layout). I got them from two different Simulink models and want to make visual comparison of each plot. I've tried this code but it just merges one plot and other three plot spaces are left empty. Can someone help me?
% Open old figures.
gu = open('1.fig');
gu_ax = gca;
lu = open('2.fig');
lu_ax = gca;
F = figure; % New figure
P1 = subplot(2,2,1); % Plot a subplot.
P1_pos = get(P1,'position'); % get its position.
delete(P1) % Delete the subplot
P2 = subplot(2,2,2);
P2_pos = get(P2,'position');
P3 = subplot(2,2,3);
P3_pos = get(P3,'position');
P4 = subplot(2,2,4);
P4_pos = get(P4,'position');
P = copyobj(gu_ax,F); % Copy the gu_ax to new fig
set(P,'position',P4_pos) % Set its position to the deleted subplot's
P = copyobj(lu_ax,F);
Jan on 15 May 2017
Edited: Jan on 15 May 2017
You forgot to mention what you want as output: 8 diagrams? Or should the lines inside the axes be copied together to the new axes?
The diagrams might be created in a different order in the two original figures. Do some tags determine the position of the subplots?
Rokas Zalatorius
Rokas Zalatorius on 15 May 2017
So bassicaly I have two figures and each one of it has four plots (2x2 layout). I want to merge/combine those 4 plots from one figure to another respectively of it's position. And in the end get a figure with four plots. So I need to copy four plots from one figure to the new figure and then overlap them with four plots from another figure.
Thank you, Rokas

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Accepted Answer

Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger on 15 May 2017
Hello Rokas,
Rather than copying the axes from the second figure, I think you could just copy the line objects or whatever else is on the axes. It would be easiest to just copy each of the Children of the axes object. Something like:
gu_axes = gu.Children; % Get all the axes on the first figure
lu_axes = lu.Children; % ... second figure
... % set up the new figure if you want to do it on a new figure ...
for k = 1:numel(gu_axes)

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