AppDesigner/UICalendar Error - "There is no String Property on the EditField class"

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I'm using the app designer to build an application that needs a date from the user, can someone please explain what I am missing to have the date selected output to a Edit Field (Text). My simple button that calls the calendar has this code:
uicalendar('InitDate',datetime(2017,5,1),'DestinationUI', app.WindowStartDateEditField);
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answers (1)

Arnav Mendiratta
Arnav Mendiratta on 13 Jun 2017
As the documentation mentions, uicalendar should be used with uicontrol type objects. Currently, having uicontrol object within App Designer is not supported.
The reason you get this error is because "uicalendar" expects to populate the 'String' Property of a "uicontrol" object. However, your app.WindowStartDateEditField is App Designer's Edit Field object. This object uses app.WindowStartDateEditField.Value to populate the typed text and does not have any property like app.WindowStartDateEditField.String.
You may use a workaround though:
1. Have a different UI altogether to select the date which would look somewhat like this .
2. Within your app, create a button "Select Date" which will launch this UI.
3. Have this UI pass the string value to app.WindowStartDateEditField.Value.
  1 Comment
Matt on 13 Jun 2017
Thanks for the response! I eventually also found that it was not supported via App Designer, but thank you very much for the workaround!

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