How do I generate a video from images that I create on MATLAB?

9 views (last 30 days)
I am generating a missile simulation input for which I created a sequence of images using an iterative for loop. The code starts with a single aerial image using which I have generated a sequence of images that make it seem like the image is rotating. I used campan, camzoom, camva and drawnow to consecutively display the sequence of images when I run the code. It looks like a video of an aerial image rotating when I run the code. My problem is, that I need to extract a video from these generated images, and save it on my computer to use as input for the missile simulator. Please help.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Jun 2017
Amulya Kallakuri
Amulya Kallakuri on 13 Jun 2017
Sir, my apologies. Your demo seems to resemble what I'm looking for. I shall try it out and get back to you. Many thanks.
Amulya Kallakuri
Amulya Kallakuri on 13 Jun 2017
Sir, this is one portion of the code I have. Now, I need to generate a similar video with the resultant images. Please help? Thank you.
A = imread('aerial.jpg');
imshow(A, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit')
camtarget([3300 1500 0])
for i = 10:-0.1:9
for j = 4:8
campan(1, 0)
% imsave

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More Answers (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 11 Jun 2017
Sumera Yamin
Sumera Yamin on 16 Nov 2019
hi, i saw the FAQ in the link mentioned in yor answer, but i have a question about your code. is their any way to control timing of the video/transition time of images? e.g i want to use a small number of images 5-10 to make a 5-10 seconds animation, when i used your code, it gave me an animation for only 1 second, which was not what i wanted. thanks in adance for your help
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Nov 2019
There is a property of the video object created by VideoWriter that is FrameRate. Set it to the rate you want.

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