Convertion of maple program to matlab code

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The program below convert matrix A of n by n to another B. I need help to convert to Matlab code. New P :=Delete column(DeleteRow (New P,I),I): New X :=subsop(I =NULL, NewX): New C :=subsop(I = NULL, NewC): NewSize :=numelems(NewX); L2, D2, U2:=Matrix(2), Matrix(2), Matrix(2): If NewSize =2 then L2, D2, U2:=GetLDU(NewP);end if M2:= Multiply((L2 + D2)-1 ,U2) : C2:= Multiply((L2 + D2)-1 ,convert(NewC,Vector)) : P2:=Identity matrix(2) + M2) ; Soln:= Linear solve(P2, C2):for j from 1to 2do assign(NewX[j],Soln[j]: ): od: Return X End proc:

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