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please help me some of my predefined,built in functions are not working

2 views (last 30 days)
example:legend is not working and many functions unable save graphs shows errors like:
Error in ismember>ismemberR2012a (line 123)
if ~strcmpi(class(a),class(b))
Error in ismember (line 98)
[varargout{1:max(1,nargout)}] = ismemberR2012a(A,B,logical(flaginds(1)));
Error in cell/ismember>cellismemberR2012a (line 238)
lia = ismember(icA,indReps,'R2012a'); % Find repeats among original list
Error in cell/ismember (line 56)
[varargout{1:max(1,nargout)}] = cellismemberR2012a(A,B);
Error in filemenufcn>localExportTypes (line 390)
list( ismember(list(:,1),{'*.ai', '*.pkm'}) , :) = [];
Error in filemenufcn>localSaveExport (line 299)
typesorig = localExportTypes(hfig);
Error in filemenufcn (line 56)
Error in filemenufcn>localSave (line 183)
Error in filemenufcn (line 54)
Error while evaluating PushTool ClickedCallback
Error using legend (line 120)
Attempt to execute SCRIPT class as a function:
C:\Users\my laptop\Documents\MATLAB\class.m
Error in insertmenufcn (line 58)
Error while evaluating ToggleTool ClickedCallback
what should i do,shall i reinstall or what can i do

Accepted Answer

aborghes on 7 Aug 2017
Hi Ranjith,
Try typing "which class" into the command window. It should return Built-In and the path to the built-in class.m file.
From looking at your errors, it looks like you have another class.m file located at C:\Users\my laptop\Documents\MATLAB\class.m that is messing with other built-in functions
  1 Comment
RANJITH KUMAR on 8 Aug 2017
thank you so much, I had deleted that file and its working fine and is there way to check the functions that are not working properly

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More Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 7 Aug 2017
Don't name your scripts things like class, or ANY other already used name. Read what it told you:
Error using legend (line 120) Attempt to execute SCRIPT class as a function: C:\Users\my laptop\Documents\MATLAB\class.m
At the command line, type this:
which class -all
Is the first line a script of your own, called class.m? DON'T USE THAT NAME.
Remember this advice for the next time you name a script or function and save it. Otherwise, expect the same type of error.
  1 Comment
RANJITH KUMAR on 8 Aug 2017
thank you so much , now figured it where the problem is coming and I have deleted the my file class.m and next time onwards I wont save like that. Is there any to find trouble shooting to list and find out the errors or function not working properly,error in predefined scripts

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