Multiple antennas on 3D ground plane
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Hi Matlab, Matlab'ers,
Is there a way to put monopole antennas on the same groundplane?
I essentially have a box with multiple antennas on it connected to the same structure but am meeting errors:
ant1 = monopole('Height',0.492,'GroundPlaneLength',0.1,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1);
% figure; returnLoss(vhf,50e6:1e6:1e9,50);
ant2 = monopole('Height',0.162,'GroundPlaneLength',0.1,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1,'TiltAxis','Y','Tilt',180);
% figure; returnLoss(uhf,50e6:1e6:1e9,50);
n = 1e-1;
ant3 = monopole('Height',n,'Width',0.02,'GroundPlaneLength',0.34,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1,'TiltAxis','Y','Tilt',90);
% figure; returnLoss(boom,50e6:1e6:500e6,50);
c = conformalArray('Element',{ant1,ant2,ant3},...
'ElementPosition',[ 0 0 0.17 ;
0 0 -0.17;
0.05 0 0],'Reference','origin');
figure(1); show(c);
Error using conformalArray/meshGenerator (line 224)
Intersection detected in specified geometry.
Error in em.MeshGeometry/updateMesh
Error in em.MeshGeometry/getMesh
Error in em.EmStructures/analyze
Error in em.EmStructures/pattern (line 143)
analyze(obj,frequency, parseobj.Results.ElementNumber, ...
Error in gp (line 19)
figure(2); pattern(c,70e6);
Answers (1)
Sudarshan Kolar
on 28 Aug 2017
Hi Christopher,
The error is expected because 'conformalArray' is supposed to create an Antenna Array and not a custom antenna. When you are designing an array, the elements do not intersect.
Infact, if you remove the intersection of the antennas:
ant1 = monopole('Height',0.492,'GroundPlaneLength',0.1,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1);
% figure; returnLoss(vhf,50e6:1e6:1e9,50);
ant2 = monopole('Height',0.162,'GroundPlaneLength',0.1,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1,'TiltAxis','Y','Tilt',180);
% figure; returnLoss(uhf,50e6:1e6:1e9,50);
n = 1e-1;
ant3 = monopole('Height',n,'Width',0.02,'GroundPlaneLength',0.34,'GroundPlaneWidth',0.1,'TiltAxis','Y','Tilt',90);
% figure; returnLoss(boom,50e6:1e6:500e6,50);
c = conformalArray('Element',{ant1,ant2,ant3},...
'ElementPosition',[ 0 0 0.18 ;
0 0 -0.18;
0.05 0 0],'Reference','origin');
figure(1); show(c);
figure(2); pattern(c,70e6);
Everything works perfectly fine.
Since you want to design custom antenna (and not array) please refer the following documentation and hopefully this should help you get started:
See Also
Find more on Monopole Antennas in Help Center and File Exchange
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