INA219 Current Sensor Integration with MATLAB

31 views (last 30 days)
Hi There,
I am trying to use a INA219 current sensor to obtain the voltage and current and thus power from a Solar Panel. This chip works with an arduino. I have coded in arduino and got the values i require however when I try to read these values on MATLAB I cannot get it to work.
The Code that I have written is Here:
clc clear all
a = arduino;
INA219 = '0x40';
INA219_ADC_CH0 = '40'; % getBusVoltage_V
INA219_ADC_CH1 = '41'; % getVoltage_mV
INA219_ADC_CH3 = '43'; % getCurrent_mA
i2c = i2cdev(a,INA219);
disp(['getBusVoltage_V ', 'getVoltage_mV', 'getCurrent_mA']);
while 1
getBusVoltage_V = read_adc(i2c,hex2dec(INA219_ADC_CH0));
getVoltage_mV = read_adc(i2c,hex2dec(INA219_ADC_CH1));
getCurrent_mA = read_adc(i2c,hex2dec(INA219_ADC_CH3));
function adc = read_adc(dev,config)
read(dev, 3);
out = read(dev, 3);
adc = out;
Where the output is:
60 0 0
31 3 0
255 255 255.
I was expecting an output of roughly:
2.46 0.03 0.07
*obtained from my arduino code.
I cannot seem to find where I've gone wrong, perhaps my limited knowledge in the area. Any help you could provide to rectify this would be great.
Raul Ballesteros
Raul Ballesteros on 28 May 2019
I have the same problem If find the solution Please share the vos es Thanks

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Answers (2)

Gongyan Du
Gongyan Du on 18 May 2020
Have you solved this problem, can you share it?

David on 5 Nov 2024
My solution to this problem was to program the arduino to output the values from the INA219 in a comma separated format on the serial port, then just read them from the serial port in MATLAB. If anyone has the solution to just do this in MATLAB, please post!
Arduino code snippet
shuntvoltage = ina219.getShuntVoltage_mV();
busvoltage = ina219.getBusVoltage_V();
current_mA = ina219.getCurrent_mA();
power_mW = ina219.getPower_mW();
loadvoltage = busvoltage + (shuntvoltage / 1000);
Serial.print(busvoltage); Serial.print(",");
MATLAB App code snippet
methods (Access = private)
function results = serial(app)
% Define the serial port and baud rate
port = "COM6"; % Change this to your Arduino's port
baudRate = 9600;
% Create a serialport object
app.arduinoObj = serialport(port, baudRate);
% Configure the terminator to match the Arduino's serial output
configureTerminator(app.arduinoObj, "LF");
% Flush any old data
function results = plot(app)
% Read line of data
line = readline(app.arduinoObj);
% Split the line into multiple values
values = str2double(split(line, ','));
% Append data = [; values']; % you definitely need the apostrophe here!
app.time = [app.time; datetime("now")];
disp (; % This line just prints data to the workspace for troubleshooting
% Plots data to an Axes figure called UIAxes
plot (app.UIAxes, app.time,;

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