How can I draw all boundaries of cities in Pennsylvania State, USA
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I have draw a map for Pennsylvanya but I need to divide the map by cities. So, how can I do that? that what I did:
pennsylvania1 = shaperead('usastatelo',...
'UseGeoCoords', true,...
'Selector', {@(name)strcmpi('pennsylvania',name), 'Name'});
Answers (1)
Rajesh Balagam
on 19 Sep 2017
You need to download USA city/county shape file data for this. You can find it ( here.
After extracting the data you can plot Pennsylvania state data as shown below.
data = shaperead('USA_adm2.shp','UseGeoCoords',true,'Selector',{@(name)strcmpi('pennsylvania',name),'NAME_1'});
Rajesh Balagam
on 29 Sep 2017
This error is produced when MATLAB couldn't find the specified file.
You need to change the MATLAB present working directory path to the directory where downloaded files are placed (or) copy the USA_adm2.shp file to your working directory.
Execute the above command after this.
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