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how to optimize 2 functions for a set point output value using fsolve?

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% basically, I have set values for the outputs of two functions named 'AC_LPCA', and 'DIC1' below. I want the
%corresponding inputs 'm_W1' and 'm_w2' which give me these set point values simultaneously
% also the other inputs to these functions depend on the outputs to the two functions 'IC1', and 'IC2'
% basically, 'm_W1' is an input to 'IC1', and 'IC2', and 'm_W2' is an input to 'DIC1',
% 'm_w1 +m_W2' is an input to 'AC'
% I want that value of 'm_w1+m_W2' which gives me my set value for T_out_AC, and that value of 'm_w2' which gives me my set value of 'T_out_DIC1'
function T_diff = try_nested(z)
m_w1 = z(1);
m_W2 = z(2);
T_sp_AC = input('temp. set point of water leaving AC');
T_sp_DIC1 = input('temp. set point of water leaving DIC1');
[T_3, T_w_out_IC1,PD_w_IC1, PD_a_IC1,Q_IC1,IC1_a_resist,IC1_w_resist] =...
@(m_w1) IC1_23_08(T_2+C2K, T_w_out_OC+C2K, P_2, m_a,P_w_in_IC1, m_w1);% HERE ALL INPUTS WILL BE KNOWN EXCEPT FOR %m_W1
P_w_in_IC2 = P_w_in_IC1 - PD_w_IC1;
[T_5, T_w_out_IC2,PD_w_IC2,PD_a_IC2,Q_IC2] =@(m_w1) IC2(T_3+C2K, T_w_out_IC1+C2K, P_2,...
m_a,P_w_in_IC2,m_w1);% all inputs here are outputs from the previous function "IC1"
[Q_w,Q_a, T_t_outlet, T_out_DIC1, PD_w, PD_a] =@(m_w2) DIC1(m_w2,5.02,273+35, 273+94,377163,666754)
T_out_DIC1 = T_out_DIC1 - 273;
%%State 7 - after cooler
% m_w_DIC1 = input('mass flow rate of water out of DIC1 in kg/sec');
% T_w_out_DIC1 = input('temp. of water leaving DIC1 in C');
T_w_in_AC = T_out_DIC*(m_w2/(m_w1+m_w2)) + T_w_out_IC2*(m_w1/(m_w1+m_w2));
m_w_AC = m_w2 + m_w1;
[T_7, T_w_out_AC,PD_w_AC, PD_a_AC,Q_AC] = @(m_w1,m_w2) AC_LPCA(T_6+C2K,...
T_w_in_AC+C2K, P_6, m_a,P_w_out_IC2, m_w_AC
T_diff(1) = @(m_w1) T_sp_AC - T_w_out_AC;
T_diff(2) = @(m_w_AC) T_sp_DIC1 - T_out_DIC1;
%%I am calling the above function in a new script below
guess = [3.5 1.5];
z = fsolve(@(z)try_nested(z,guess));
  1 Comment
Ramnarayan Krishnamurthy
Ramnarayan Krishnamurthy on 4 Oct 2017
Would you be able to simplify your problem down and state the specific issue you are facing?
Also, high levels problem description may be helpful as well!

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