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Solving a dde23 problem

2 views (last 30 days)
Deepayan Bhadra
Deepayan Bhadra on 19 Dec 2017
Commented: Torsten on 19 Dec 2017
This seems simple enough: xdot = -Lx(t-0.1) L is a constant integer 10x10 matrix and x is 10x1 vector.
I am using this code snippet:
x0 = randn(10,1);
sol = dde23(@ddefun,[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1],x0,[0 5]);
I'm defining ddefun as
function v = ddefun(t,x,Z)
D = diag([2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2]);
L = D-A; %A is a fixed 10x10 matrix (not written here since it's long)%
v = -L*Z;
This gives an error "Not enough input arguments. Error in ddefun (line 5) v = -L*Z"
How do I circumvent this issue and solve for x?
Thanks a lot.
Deepayan Bhadra
Deepayan Bhadra on 19 Dec 2017
Z is 10x1 right? I mean, Z reflects x(t-0.1), that is from x1(t-0.1 to x10(t-0.1). I'm not yet well versed with the DDE syntax. Thoughts?
Torsten on 19 Dec 2017
Just check it in "ddefun":
[m,n] = size(Z)
Best wishes

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