Horizontal constant line plot

3 views (last 30 days)
Trevor Badji
Trevor Badji on 28 Dec 2017
Commented: Neptune16 on 29 Sep 2019
I am using plot(1:3600,ones .* 78) 'it gives empty plot' this to plot a horizontal line for y axis is consant 78, x axis is from 1 to 3600 . Or is there another command to plot it .

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 28 Dec 2017
ones() is a function that takes arguments. You are not giving any. What do you want to plot for your y values?
  1 Comment
Neptune16 on 29 Sep 2019
hello and good day,sir. can you please help me out with my latest question in my profile. very much thanks in advance.

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