How to Recognize and Detect the Vein Pattern in the image ?
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The above image is obtained using an IR Camera using Near Infrared technology. I want to extract the veins in the image attached and then display it.The algorithm Followed so far is:
Kindly Support or give Suggestions to do it.
I have tried out the above algorithm as of my knowledge and am able to get an image as such given below:
The code I have written so far uses only direct methods and unaware of using multiple techniques in MATLAB, since am a beginer. Kindly help me with the code so that I can improve my output and learn more on MATLAB.
The code is as follows:
if true
% clc
%Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory
clear all
%Remove figures
close all
%read image
%display image
%convert image to grayscale
figure,imshow(I),title('Grayscale image');
%applying median filter to remove noise
K = medfilt2(I);
figure,imshow(K), title('median filtering');
%applying CLAHE
J = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.05,'Distribution','exponential');
figure,imshow(J), title('CLAHE');
%median filtering to remove the noise
K1 = medfilt2(J);
figure,imshow(K1), title('median filtering2');
%blurring images for accuracy
Iblur1 = imgaussfilt(K1,2);
figure,imshow(Iblur1), title('gaussian blurring');
%Adaptive thresholding
%T = adaptthresh(Iblur1, 0.7);
%BW = imbinarize(Iblur1,T);
%figure, imshow(BW), title('Adaptive threshold')
T1 = adaptthresh(Iblur1,0.5,'ForegroundPolarity','dark');
figure,imshow(T1), title('foreground');
BW = imbinarize(Iblur1,T1);
figure,imshow(BW), title('new thresholding');
%bw2 = imbinarize(K1,'adaptive','ForegroundPolarity','dark');
%figure, imshow(BW), title('Adaptive thresholding');
%morphological opening
se = strel('disk',5);
afterOpening = imopen(BW,se);
figure, imshow(afterOpening,[]), title('Morphological opening');
%eroding image
se1 = strel('line',11,90);
erodedBW = imdilate(afterOpening,se1);
figure, imshow(erodedBW,[]), title('dilated image');
%Morphological closing
%closeBW = imclose(afterOpening,se);
%figure, imshow(closeBW), title('Morphological closing');
BW2 = bwmorph(afterOpening,'skel',Inf);
figure, imshow(BW2,[]), title('Skeletonization');
BW3 = bwperim(afterOpening);
figure, imshow(BW3,[]),title('perimeter extraction');
C = imfuse(img,erodedBW,'blend','Scaling','joint');
figure, imshow(C), title('fusing images');
on 10 Feb 2018
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Ananthu Jayan wrote: I 'm a beginner and am working on this project. I have attached my code and the output that am getting in the image. Kindly give some suggestions to improve it as I guess this project has been tried out by many of them.
@Ananthu Jayan: Please use flags only to inform admins and editors about messages, which might conflict with the terms of use, e.g. by rudeness or spam. Thanks.
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