Is there a tutorial in MATLAB for solving a radial PDE ?

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Hi, I have a PDE with radial coordinates that has no analytic solution. Is there a way to generate the plot of the function using numerical methods in MATLAB?
Is there a tutorial for this? I could not find anything on MATLAB for a specific PDE that is not part of the MATLAB toolbox sets.
Torsten on 7 Mar 2018
Could you please clearly write down the transformation from
to the u-formulation ?
I must admit that I don't understand what you are talking about.
Best wishes

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Answers (1)

Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 7 Mar 2018
Edited: Sergio Manzetti on 7 Mar 2018
For u(phi, theta):
Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 8 Mar 2018
Edited: Sergio Manzetti on 8 Mar 2018
it's the operator.
on the left side side of equal sign:
Psi is first multiplied with rcos^2(phi) then it is multiplied with the large operator at the third order, and hence multiplied with its third order form (I can write it ou here if you like). That invokes derivations at the third order, derivations with respect to r and phi as well as multiplication with r and cos(phi).
The unknown function is PSI
pooja sudha
pooja sudha on 16 May 2021
you can use numerical methods to solve schrodinger equations like this for ex. Finite difference method.

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