Solve a big system of equations in Matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello guys. So I have this problem where I am supposed to calculate the force in each rod of a structural framework. And I thought the easiest and most pretty way will be in Matlab. So what I've done so far is that I have set up an equation for each "node" in x and y axis. Now Im trying to get that into Matlab. So I have 20 unknowns and have created a zeros(20) matrix and will replace each zero with a value.
Since I have 10 nodes I will have 20 equations to put into Matlab. So for node 1 I will have to use row 1 for x-equations and row 2 for y-equations?
Also at each end I have supports that I have chosen to call Va,Ha and Vb. And each of those get a column of their own, A(,1), A(,2) and A(,3).
Is this the best way to do it or should I choose some other method?

Answers (1)

Joakim Karlsson
Joakim Karlsson on 16 Apr 2018
Ok update. When I try to solve the system with backslash, mldivide etc. It keeps saying "Matrix is Singular to Working Precision".


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