How can I write into an excel file column wise?
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I have a code that outputs 7 values each time and I want that values to be written column wise in excel e.g. first 7 values to be written in column 1 from A1 to A7, next 7 values in column 2 from B1 to B7 and so on.
How can I achieve this?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Accepted Answer
on 5 May 2018
for col=1,N
xlswrite(file,sheet,[xlsAddr(1,col) ':' xlsAddr(size(V,1),col)]);
where xlsAddr is my helper utility function
function rnge=xlsAddr(row,col)
% Build Excel cell address from row, column
% RNGE=XLSADDR(COL,ROW) will return an Excel cell address
% formed from the input ROW,COL values. Either input may be
% string or numeric and will be converted to canonical form
if isnumeric(col)
if ~isscalar(col), error('Input Column Not Scalar'), end
rnge=num2str('A'+[fix(col/26) rem(col,26)]-1,'%c%c');
rnge(rnge=='@')=[]; % cleanup for single character
if isnumeric(row)
if ~isscalar(row), error('Input Row Not Scalar'), end
rnge=[rnge num2str(row,'%d')];
if ~all(ismember(row,'0':'9')), error('Invalid Excel Address: Row not numeric'), end
rnge=[rnge row];
There's a complement,
function [row,col]=xlsRowCol(rnge,r1,c1)
% Return row, column from Excel range address and optional offset
% [ROW,COL]=XLSADDR(RNGE) will return a ROW,COL array index values
% formed from the input Excel cell range expression. Default addressing
% is one-based array indexing.
% [ROW,COL]=XLSADDR(RNGEA:RNGEB) will return a ROW,COL array index values
% formed from the input Excel cell range expression as 2D array by row.
% [ROW,COL]=XLSADDR(RNGE,R1,C1) will use optional R1, C1 values as base
% indices for the returned ROW,COL array index values
switch nargin
case 1
r1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
case 2
c1 = 0;
rnge=char(split(rnge,':')); % split out the ranges if exist
row=zeros(m,1); col=zeros(m,1);
for i=1:m
cstr=rnge(i,isletter(rnge(i,:))); % pull out column letters only
if length(cstr)>2, error('Input Column Too Long'), end
bArr=[1 26]; % hardcode base vector since not general
b=bArr(1:length(cstr)).'; % base vector for specific input length
rstr=rnge(i,ismember(rnge(i,:),'0':'9')); % pull out row numbers only
row(i)=str2num(rstr); % and convert to numeric row
% convert to reference origin before returning
1 Comment
Ed Callway
on 19 Mar 2020
DB, thanx for the code, got me out of a hole today!
It didn't seem to work for large # of columns, updated the col math with some help from stackoverflow
function rnge=xlsAddr(row,col)
% Build Excel cell address from row, column
% originally from
% updated by Ed 2020 Mar with loop from stackoverflow to handle more columns
% RNGE=XLSADDR(COL,ROW) will return an Excel cell address
% formed from the input ROW,COL values. Either input may be
% string or numeric and will be converted to canonical form
% make the column part, it's funky alphabet math, close to base 26 with some mods
if isnumeric(col) % great if the column input is a number
if ~isscalar(col), error('Input Column Not Scalar'), end % give up if not really a number
d = int32(col); % start with the requested # of columns, int32 handles a LOT!
rnge = ''; % and a blank output string
while (d > 0); % keep turning number into alphabetically named columns until nothing left
m = mod(d - 1, 26); % get remainder after dividing by 26 = alphabet
rnge = [char(65 + m) , rnge]; % turn that into a letter starting with 'A'=65, prepend to existing output string
d = int32((d - m) / 26); % remove the amount you took out, divide by 26 and loop again...maybe
rnge=col; % if col input wasn't a pure number, ASSUME it is already a perfect col add format like 'CM' and pass it on
% make the row part, just numbers so easier
if isnumeric(row) % great if the row input is a number
if ~isscalar(row), error('Input Row Not Scalar'), end % give up if not really a number
rnge=[rnge num2str(row,'%d')]; % convert row number to string, append to col add just made above
row=num2str(row,'%d'); % not a straight number, try converting to a string
if ~all(ismember(row,'0':'9')), error('Invalid Excel Address: Row not numeric'), end % if digits other than 0..9, fail out
rnge=[rnge row]; % append row to col add just made above
end % function xlsAddr
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