Root locus plot unable to see properties

30 views (last 30 days)
The mathworks site states: "click anywhere on the curve to activate a data marker that displays the gain value, pole, damping, overshoot, and frequency at the selected point." However, clicking on the plot doesn't do anything, in other words: I'm unable to activate a data marker that displays the required properties.

Accepted Answer

Aditya Salveru
Aditya Salveru on 23 May 2018
Edited: Aditya Salveru on 23 May 2018
Hi Bram,
you have to use 'rlocus' function with the transfer function as input then a window opens up showing the root locus plot.
You can click on any of the point on the root locus to see the properties at that point.
I am attaching a screenshot and also the code I used to achieve the same. It was working as intended.
num=[1 2];
den=[ 1 2 1];
t=tf(num,den) ;
Please do check the procedure and make sure you are clicking on the curve only and not elsewhere.
Thank you,
Avdhesh Kumar
Avdhesh Kumar on 5 Feb 2022
same here, not wokring.
I've even copied the same code still not working
Carlos González Osorio
Carlos González Osorio on 2 Mar 2022
Same too, There is a option where can "activate" this option?
Just appears the value of the axes "X" and "Y" and that's it

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More Answers (1)

Prajwal on 9 Nov 2022
Hello, it is true that by using the rlocus(); command you can plot the root locus but the catch is that you CANNOT see the properties of the points if you are running your code in the livescript. You should use the >>command window with the same command and then you will be able to see the properties of the point in the root locus.


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