plot 2d image into cylindrical 3d image

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Alina tom
Alina tom on 25 May 2018
Answered: Caleb on 7 Jul 2023
I have multiple 2d images . I want to plot them into cylindrical coordinate such as each image is plot with a degree increment in circular form to make a 3d circle .
can anyone help me
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Ignacio Alcala
Ignacio Alcala on 5 Jun 2023
Hello Alina, Did you solve your problem ? I would be really interested if you could share the solution please.
Cordially, Ignacio Alcala

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Answers (2)

Akira Agata
Akira Agata on 5 Jun 2023
How about the following?
% Image data
I = imread("sherlock.jpg");
% Create cylinder
[X, Y, Z] = cylinder;
% Mapping the image on the cylinder
h = surface(X, Y, Z);
h.FaceColor = 'texturemap';
h.EdgeColor = 'none';
h.CData = flipud(I);
box on
Akira Agata
Akira Agata on 16 Jun 2023
Edited: Akira Agata on 16 Jun 2023
Good afternoon @Ignacio Alcala,
Sorry for my late response.
Based on the first half of your message, I assumed the expected image looks like the following image.
But the second half of your message might tell a different story.
Could you tell us how the expected output looks like?
Ignacio Alcala
Ignacio Alcala on 16 Jun 2023
Good Morning @Akira Agata,
I thank you for your response. Here a schema of what I ideally want to achieve.
One extra information, every image represents a thickness of 400 µm, is there a way that every image represents this thickness in the 3D rotation plan ?
Please let me know if you have further questions.
I thank you again for all your help and time.
Ignacio Alcala

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Caleb on 7 Jul 2023
Hey Ignacio,
Did you ever find a solution on how every image could represent the defined thickness in the 3D rotation plan of two images?

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