How to change SNR value of noise signal?

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Siddhesh Karbhari
Siddhesh Karbhari on 26 May 2018
Commented: Image Analyst on 26 May 2018
I have clean speech samples and environmental noise samples. I need to add noise to clean speech at different SNR levels. How can I change SNR value of noise samples?

Answers (3)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 26 May 2018
Multiply the noise samples by a constant before adding to the signal.
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Siddhesh Karbhari
Siddhesh Karbhari on 26 May 2018
I want SNR value of noise sample as -10,-5,0,5,10. What should I do?
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 May 2018
Since you said "I need to add noise" you would do this:
yNoisy = y + noiseSignal;

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Siddhesh Karbhari
Siddhesh Karbhari on 26 May 2018
Can anyone please tell me how to change SNR value of QUT-Noise samples?
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 May 2018
Greg did. Did you overlook his answer? He said to multiply your noise signal by some amplification factor before adding:
yNoisy = yNoise + amplitude * noiseSignal;
By the way, a signal will have an SNR - a "QUT-Noise" signal will not. Noise alone has no SNR, or it's basically zero, since there is all noise (only noise by definition) and no signal. So you should not use terminology like "SNR of the noise".

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