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How do I do a For Loop with two variables?

1 view (last 30 days)
Helena on 1 Jun 2018
Commented: Helena on 1 Jun 2018
I want the loop to do for i=1:1:41 and for j=1:1:41, that is, the loop runs using i=1 and j=1, then i=2 and j=2 etc.
When I try the below nested function I get an infinite loop! for i=1:1:41 for j=1:1:41 Function end end
Can anyone help? Thanks!
Stephen23 on 1 Jun 2018
@Helena: if i always equals j, why use two variables?
Helena on 1 Jun 2018
They're not the same, two different variables!

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Answers (1)

ES on 1 Jun 2018
Edited: ES on 1 Jun 2018
Then you dont need two for loops.
for i=1:41
j=i; something
By the way, i and j are poor choice of variable names!
Helena on 1 Jun 2018
Now I'm getting the error 'Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.'

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