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Plot 2 D traiectory

4 views (last 30 days)
Adriana Maria
Adriana Maria on 2 Jun 2018
Answered: Divyajyoti Nayak on 6 Sep 2024
I want to plot the trajectory of car based on lateral and longitudinal vehicle speed. I have a simulink model, where are calculated the lateral and longitudinal vehicle speeds, and I want to plot the trajectory. I have tried to use XYGraph but this block don't have the autoscale option and zoom out/in. How to plot the otherwise the trajectory of the car?

Answers (1)

Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak on 6 Sep 2024
Hi Adriana,
The ‘XY Graph’ block has been improved in MATLAB R2021b and above by replacing it with a configuration of the ‘record’ block which has the features you have mentioned like autofit, zooming etc.
As a workaround for earlier versions, you can directly plot the position data in a MATLAB figure by writing it in the ‘StopFcn’ callback of the model (Model Properties -> Callbacks -> StopFcn) like shown below.
Here ‘out’ is the outout variable logged in the workspace in the form of an array (You’ll have to configure this in Configuration Parameters (Ctrl + E)->Data Inport/Outport’).
Sample model and output:



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