how to solve transcedental equation in matlab

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I am practicing solving the next transcendental equation in matlab
(a/c)*sqrt((b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2)-atan( sqrt(( (p*c)^2-(b*m2)^2 ) /( (b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2 ) ) )-atan( sqrt(( (p*c)^2-(b*m3)^2 ) /( (b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2 ) ) ) == r*pi
c= 3x10^8;
I was trying to plot "p" vs "b" where "b" runs from 0 to 3x10^15 and r is a parameter that takes values of 0, 1 and 2. I already tried all day but I cannot find solution, I tried with fzero(fun,xo) without success, can you give any suggestion?
alburary daniel
alburary daniel on 15 Jun 2018
without success today, Can you help me?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Jul 2018
Edited: Walter Roberson on 27 Jul 2018
Please do not close questions that have an answer. You were informed about that before
I spent several hours working on your question, and it is very frustrating that my answer just disappeared.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Jun 2018
I got code to work... but the trend is exactly opposite of what you are looking for.
Q = @(v) sym(v, 'r');
arctan = @atan;
a = Q(1*10^-6);
c = Q(3*10^8);
m1 = Q(2.2);
m2 = Q(1.5);
m3 = Q(1);
syms b p r
eqn = (a/c)*sqrt((b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2)-atan( sqrt(( (p*c)^2-(b*m2)^2 ) /( (b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2 ) ))-atan( sqrt(( (p*c)^2-(b*m3)^2 ) /( (b*m1)^2-(p*c)^2 ) ) ) - r*pi;
B0min = Q(3000000000000000)*sqrt(Q(259))*arctan(5*sqrt(Q(259))*sqrt(Q(5))*(1/Q(259)))*(1/Q(259));
B0max = Q(3*10^15);
B0 = linspace(B0min, B0max, 100);
nB0 = length(B0);
R = 0 : 2;
nR = length(R);
ps = zeros(nB0, nR, 'sym');
for ridx = 1 : nR
this_r = R(ridx);
eqnr = subs(eqn, r, this_r);
for K = 1 : nB0
this_b = B0(K);
this_eqn = subs(eqnr, b, this_b);
sols = vpasolve(this_eqn, p, [this_b/200000000, 11*this_b/1500000000]);
if isempty(sols)
fprintf('No symbolic solution for eqn, r = %d, b = %g\n', this_r, this_b);
sols = nan;
% fprintf('symbolic okay for eqn, r = %d, b = %g\n', this_r, this_b);
ps(K, ridx) = sols;
plot(ps, B0)
legend( sprintfc('r = %d', R) )
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Jun 2018
I do not know. I notice that they are using different c values in the diagram, but you set up your equation with only one c value.

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