Clear Filters
Clear Filters

which function I can use?

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yue li
yue li on 31 Aug 2018
Edited: yue li on 1 Sep 2018
There are two matrices.
I want to calculate the p value of each row.
>> x
x =
0.3192 1.0933 -0.0068 -1.0891 -1.4916
0.3129 1.1093 1.5326 0.0326 -0.7423
-0.8649 -0.8637 -0.7697 0.5525 -1.0616
-0.0301 0.0774 0.3714 1.1006 2.3505
-0.1649 -1.2141 -0.2256 1.5442 -0.6156
0.6277 -1.1135 1.1174 0.0859 0.7481
>> y
y =
-0.1924 -0.1774 -0.8045 -1.1480 -0.0825 0.1001 1.7119
0.8886 -0.1961 0.6966 0.1049 -1.9330 -0.5445 -0.1941
-0.7648 1.4193 0.8351 0.7223 -0.4390 0.3035 -2.1384
-1.4023 0.2916 -0.2437 2.5855 -1.7947 -0.6003 -0.8396
-1.4224 0.1978 0.2157 -0.6669 0.8404 0.4900 1.3546
0.4882 1.5877 -1.1658 0.1873 -0.8880 0.7394 -1.0722
function [P] = p_row(x,y)
for i=1:x1
if lillietest(x(i,:)) == 1
elseif lillietest(y(i,:)) == 1
elseif vartest2(x(i,:),y(i,:)) == 1
>> p=p_row(x,y)
p =
0.7961 0.2773 0.1490 0.1877 0.6335 0.6010

Accepted Answer

yue li
yue li on 31 Aug 2018
Edited: yue li on 31 Aug 2018
Hello, Star Strider,
Thank you for your response!
1. I want to calculate the p value of each row in two matrics.
2. I prefer to use ttest2().
3. If the values in each row are not normal distribution, I have to use ranksum().
4. If the values of each row in two matrics are not equal variance, I have to use ranksum().
My output is shown above.
How can I only have the last line of output?
Thank you so much for your help!

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