How to matlab z-transform of x(n)=((4/3)^n) u(1-n)

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How to matlab z-transform of x(n)=((4/3)^n) u(1-n) by using symbolic math toolbox
Dimitris Kalogiros
Dimitris Kalogiros on 21 Sep 2018
x(n) seams to be a non-causal signal. It's values are zeros for n>1 and they are not, for n=<1...
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Answers (1)

Dimitris Kalogiros
Dimitris Kalogiros on 21 Sep 2018
Symbolic math toolbox, calculates only unilateral z transform. So, we have to use some properties in order to calculate what you ask. Because, you ask a bilateral z-transform
First, I will break your time-series into two parts : one for -inf<n<=0 and the other for 0<n<2.
Then, in order to calculate bilateral z-transform of the first time-series, we must use the "time reversal" property of z-transform.
You can study all these here: z transform properties
clearvars; clc; close all;
% u(t) : 0 for n<0 and 1 for n>=0
oldparam = sympref('HeavisideAtOrigin',1);
syms n z
assume(n, 'integer');
%%time series
% break into two time series
x1(n)=( (4/3)^n )* heaviside(-n)
x2(n)=( (4/3)^n )* (heaviside(n-1)-heaviside(n-2))
% plot time series
subplot(2,1,1); stem(ntest, x(ntest), 'b^');
title(texlabel(x(n))); xlabel('n'), ylabel('x(n)');
subplot(2,1,2); stem(ntest, x1(ntest), 'ro'); hold on;
subplot(2,1,2); stem(ntest, x2(ntest), 'g*','Color', [0 .5 0]);
legend('x1', 'x2'); title('decomposition to x1(n), x2(n)');
%%z-transform of x1(n)
% create "time reversed" version
% z-transform of x1r(n)
X1r(z)=simplifyFraction( ztrans(x1r(n),n,z) );
% z-transform of x1(n)
X1(z)=simplifyFraction( subs(X1r(z),z,z^-1) );
%%z-transform of x2(n)
X2(z)=simplifyFraction( ztrans(x2(n)) );
%%calculation of z-transform of x(n)
And here you are, what you get, when you execute the above script:
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 12 Nov 2022
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