Need some assistance with "if" command

2 views (last 30 days)
Aaron on 28 Jun 2012
I'm trying to get my program to stop completely when given an invalid response after entering the side lengths. I've created the following:
a=input('Enter value for side a: ');
if a < 0
disp('Not a valid input.')
b=input('Enter value for side b: ');
if b < 0
disp('Not a valid input.')
c=input('Enter value for side c: ');
if c < 0
disp('Not a valid input.')

Accepted Answer

Geoff on 28 Jun 2012
Edited: Geoff on 28 Jun 2012
If you don't have a function or anything to return from, there's a sneaky little trick you can use. This can be useful for other things too...
ok = false;
while 1
a=input('Enter value for side a: ');
if a < 0, break; end
b=input('Enter value for side b: ');
if b < 0, break; end
c=input('Enter value for side c: ');
if c < 0, break; end
ok = true;
if ok
% Do your thing here....
disp('Not a valid input.');
Err... Bear in mind this isn't the best of programming practices. =)

More Answers (2)

Geoff on 28 Jun 2012
Oh, the better way is to use the proper MATLAB error function:
if a < 0
error( 'Not a valid input.' );

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Jun 2012
To get your program to stop completely you are going to need to use the command "quit", as anything else you can voluntarily do has the risk of being intercepted by a different level, such as by a try/catch block. "quit" will exit MATLAB.
Honestly, even "quit" might not be good enough, as I think "quit" would still end up running any registered onCleanup() routines rather than stopping the program completely. So possibly what you should do is write a little mex routine that deliberately dereferences an invalid pointer so that MATLAB crashes.


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