Heatmap on World Map

31 views (last 30 days)
MCM on 8 Oct 2018
Commented: jonas on 8 Oct 2018
I have a heatmap and I want to overlay it onto a World Map. My data is commercial air traffic tracks. I created a world grid (example 1x1 lat/long squares) and counted how many times an aircraft flew through each lat/long polygon. Specifically. I've created a two position arrays, lat and long (center points of each polygon) and corresponding array C which contains the counts. Easy to produce heatmap from there. The problem is overlaying the heatmap onto a World Map.
This seems like it should be super simple; especially since I have the mapping toolbox. But I have been doing research for DAYS and haven't found anything that works.
This post (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/259878-plot-heat-map-on-map-using-latitude-longitude-and-my-data-value) is close but I don't know how to make the MarkerSize equal to the area covered by lat/long polygon. This example (https://www.mathworks.com/help/thingspeak/create-heatmap-overlay-image.html) also looked promising by the size of worldmap('world') is [1,1,1}.
Please HELP! This seems like a few lines of code at this point but I can't make it work.
jonas on 8 Oct 2018
Edited: jonas on 8 Oct 2018
You need some shapefile, I dont know which ones that are available from the mapping toolbox but you can find anything on arcgis
After that its a two line code with shaperead and geoshow
MCM on 8 Oct 2018
I wish it were that simple. You can't put a shapefile on a heatmap. It causes an error
  • When I create a world map first using the 'landareas.shp' shapefile and then try to add heatmap, I get "Adding HeatmapChart to axes is not supported"
  • When I create the heatmap first and then try to add the shapefile, I get "Patch cannot be a child of HeatmapChart

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Accepted Answer

jonas on 8 Oct 2018
Edited: jonas on 8 Oct 2018
Here's some code from an old script of mine. Here's where I got the shapefile ( naturalearthdata.com, the first link)
MCM on 8 Oct 2018
Thank you so much! Two lines of code with hist3. I knew it had to be that easy but I was ripping my hair out with heatmap object. :)
jonas on 8 Oct 2018
Cheers! :)

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