How can I displayed a large matrix in an axis?
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Hello I was trying to display some matrices, that matrices are the result about an analysis.
When I get a short matrix I have this result.
and when I get a large matrix I have this result.
and I get this warning
Answers (2)
Image Analyst
on 21 Oct 2018
You can display a matrix as an image with imshow
imshow(yourMatrix, []);
Image Analyst
on 23 Oct 2018
H needs to be a matrix - actual numbers - not a symbolic variable. I don't have the symbolic Toolbox. Is there anything in there that can make H into a matrix?
Steven Lord
on 22 Oct 2018
Are you trying to display a symbolic matrix in a text box in a figure window? Try something like:
syms a b c x
eq = a*x.^2+b*x+c == 0
S = solve(eq, x)
t = text(0.25, 0.75, ['$$' latex(S) '$$'], 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX')
t.FontSize = 30
Alternately, try writing those first three commands in a Live Script. The output is formatted in much the same way as the text object with the LaTeX interpreter is formatted. See this example for a sample of how symbolic expressions are formatted in a Live Script.
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