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New variable for each xlsread from a different file

2 views (last 30 days)
First time using Matlab so I have no clue about this.
For my thesis, I have a number of excel files from collecting data. The tables in each file are the same dimensions representing the same data type (freq vs dB).
I want to import these to Matlab so I can graph them individually and also then average them together (since they are just test runs of the same set-up).
In the loop, I want it to spit out variables SPL_1, SPL_2, SPL_3 etc.
Right now this is my code. It gathers the file list fine. But I can't work out how to create a new SPL variable for each time it reads from an excel file.
%State constant variables%
alpha = 1;
s_source = 2;
a_recieve = 3;
spl_IL_= 4;
%Frequency Column
freq = xlsread(freq_data,'A2:A102');
%Import Data - Excel Loop%
Files = dir('*.xlsx');
fnames = {};
filename = fnames';
%Determine Size for Loop
D = size(filename);
Numloop = D(1,1);
%Loop to Create Paths for each file
for i = 1:Numloop
run = filename(i,1)
excel_sheet = run{1}
SPL_1 = xlsread(excel_sheet,'B2:B102')
Harrison Schipke
Harrison Schipke on 30 Oct 2018
Thanks for your reply.
I don't understand how Processing a sequence of files will give me the data I need? I have already got by xlxs files. I just need to import a column from each file and then use that column to plot a line graph
Stephen23 on 30 Oct 2018
Edited: Stephen23 on 30 Oct 2018
"I don't understand how Processing a sequence of files will give me the data I need?"
That link shows how to use a cell array to store the imported data.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 30 Oct 2018
Edited: Stephen23 on 31 Oct 2018
As shown in the MATLAB documentation
you could simply use cell array to store the imported data:
D = 'directory where the files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'*.xlsx'));
N = numel(S)
C = cell(1,N)
for k = 1:N
F = fullfile(D,S(k).name);
C{k} = xlsread(F,'B2:B102')
Or just use the structure returned by dir:
D = 'directory where the files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'*.xlsx'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(D,S(k).name);
S(k).data = xlsread(F,'B2:B102')
Both of them are then trivially and efficiently accessed using indexing, or with comma-separated lists:
Harrison Schipke
Harrison Schipke on 31 Oct 2018
Edited: Harrison Schipke on 31 Oct 2018
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it!
So now if I want to use my data (with cell array) I would just say C(1,1) and I could then use that column (100 rows) of data? How could I average the data for each row? So as an example C(1,1) is 101x1, C(1,2) is 101x1, and C(1,3) is 101x1. Can I make the each row of data be averaged using this cell aray?
This is what I have so far (with some name changes)
%Frequency Column
freq = xlsread('N63_C_Run_1.xlsx','A2:A102');
%Get File Names
S = dir(fullfile('*.xlsx'));
N = numel(S);
%State Variables and Obtain Excel Data
SPL_1_Runs = cell(1,N);
SPL_2_Runs = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
F = fullfile(S(k).name);
SPL_1_Runs{k} = xlsread(F,'B2:B102');
SPL_2_Runs{k} = xlsread(F,'C2:C102');
%Combine Cell Array to Matrix
SPL_1 = cell2mat(SPL_1_Runs);
SPL_2 = cell2mat(SPL_2_Runs);
Stephen23 on 31 Oct 2018
Edited: Stephen23 on 31 Oct 2018
Each cell of SPL_1_Runs and SPL_2_Runs contains the data that you imported. You can access the contents using cell array indexing (which is why I gave you the links to read):
SPL_1_Runs{1} % data from 1st file
SPL_1_Runs{2} % data from 2nd file
SPL_1_Runs{3} % data from 3rd file
... etc
If they all have the same number of columns, then you can combine them into one numeric matrix (using a comma-separated list, see the links I gave you):
M = [SPL_1_Runs{:}]
which you can then simply plot like this:
To get the average just use mean:

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More Answers (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 30 Oct 2018




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