Saving orientation of a plot in the script

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
is it possible to save a generic orietation of a plot and then recover it every time I run a script? For example I did a 3d plot, I changed manually the orientation of the figure and now I'd like to "save in the script" this orientation; in this way, next time I'll have the previous orientation when I'll run the script.
Thank you so much.

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 2 Nov 2018
Gennaro Arguzzi
Gennaro Arguzzi on 2 Nov 2018
Edited: Gennaro Arguzzi on 2 Nov 2018
view gives me the azimut and elevation of my manual orientation when I run it in command window (e.g. [az,el]=view). If I run it in script, it gives me the az and el of the plot automatically generated by matlab. I can uncomment only a plot and take its az and el by running [az,el]=view in command window, but if I have several plots, this procedure takes a lot of time.
Gennaro Arguzzi
Gennaro Arguzzi on 2 Nov 2018
Also when I have only two plots, it's difficult to compare the relative orientations.

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