Average based on logical mask and condition

3 views (last 30 days)
I want to average the data according to unique ID and a logical mask. I have 3 km logical mask which will average into perfect 36 km grid. I average into 36 km based on compartmentID I created. I'm having trouble, when I want to discard those 36 km grids when one of the 3 km grid is zero (based on logical mask ID). Size of the matrix is 406, 964 for 36 km grid which perfectly fit 4872, 11568 3 km grids.
%Form the ID's for 3 km grid so to average for 36 km grid.
rowId = ceil( (1 : 4872) / 12 );
colId = ceil( (1 : 11568) / 12 );
[colID, rowID] = meshgrid( colId, rowId );
compartmentID = colID + (rowID - 1) * max(colId);
Average = reshape(accumarray(compartmentID(:),reshape(Grid_3km,[],1), [],@mean,NaN ), 406, 964);
Can anyone help me with the condition, that says if one of the 3 km grid in 36 km is zero then discard the average.
nlm on 6 Nov 2018
Sorry, I could not attach it. It was larger than 5 Mb.
nlm on 6 Nov 2018
@JohnGalt Can you please elaborate ?

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Accepted Answer

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 6 Nov 2018
Just put NaN on the 3km-grid at the place you want to discard
Grid_3km_Masked = Grid_3km;
Grid_3km_Masked(YourMask==0) = NaN;
then by using your working code on Grid_3km_Masked, it will propagate to the average on coarse-grid data result:
%Form the ID's for 3 km grid so to average for 36 km grid.
rowId = ceil( (1 : 4872) / 12 );
colId = ceil( (1 : 11568) / 12 );
[colID, rowID] = meshgrid( colId, rowId );
compartmentID = colID + (rowID - 1) * max(colId);
Average = reshape(accumarray(compartmentID(:),reshape(Grid_3km_Masked,[],1), [],@mean,NaN ), 406, 964);
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 6 Nov 2018
Do you mind to post the final working version of the code? I'm curious to see what you want to compute.
nlm on 6 Nov 2018
I got with the code you suggested, I just needed to transpose the matrix. Mask thing did the trick. Thanks.

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