how to store the data into 3d matrix?

4 views (last 30 days)
Lilya on 11 Nov 2018
Commented: Lilya on 2 Dec 2018
Hi all,
i have two different 3d matrices (lat = 40*1*1461, lon= 23*1*1461) that I apply the following commands to specify the range of lat and lon. where 40 and 23 = number of rows, 1 = number of columns, 1461 is the 40*1 and 23*1 times repetation.
mask_lat = forc_duba.LAT >= 26 & forc_duba.LAT <= 30;
lat_atmoforc = forc_duba.LAT;
lat_atmoforc(~mask_lat) = nan;
mask_lon = forc_duba.LON >= 32 & forc_duba.LON <= 38;
lon_atmoforc = forc_duba.LON;
lon_atmoforc(~mask_lon) = nan;
I also have 2 different vectors (U = 1461*1, V = 1461*1) that I want to fit the extracted area of (lat,lon) with the specific corresponding data of U and V.
How can I do that? Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot
KSSV on 12 Nov 2018
Attach whole data..lon and v is missing.
Lilya on 2 Dec 2018
thanks for the responce and so so sorry for the late reply.
i've attached the rest of the data.
thanks again for the help sir KSSV

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