Fit an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) using lsqcurvefit

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i have a system of 11 ODE's (ode45) and want to fit them to measured data. For that i have 11 variables i want to optimate. My Question:
Additional to the lb and ub in the lsqcurvefot solver, i want a condition for the variables like x(1)+x(2)=5. Is that possible?

Accepted Answer

Torsten on 14 Nov 2018
Edited: Torsten on 14 Nov 2018
Remove parameters x(1) and x(2) from your list and introduce one new variable x(12). From x(12), calculate x1=5*cos^2(x(12)) and x2=5*sin^2(x(12)) and insert x1 and x2 instead of x(1) and x(2) in your ODE system.
If your constraints are more complicated than this one, use "fmincon" instead of "lsqcurvefit".
Jonas Hilpert
Jonas Hilpert on 15 Nov 2018
thank you very much for your answer! You are right, my constraints are more complicated. Actually i need as follows: x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(4)+x(5)+x(6) = 5 or probably even more constraints.....
I have tried your suggestion, unfortunately this is not working really well. I was thinking "fmincon" is not working for a system of ode's, or am I wrong? I hope you have another suggestion for me
Torsten on 15 Nov 2018
"lsqcurvefit" has nothing to do with the integration of the system of ODEs. That's why "fmincon" will work as well as "lsqcurvefit".

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