Cell array to matix

3 views (last 30 days)
Praveen Kumar Ramani
Praveen Kumar Ramani on 31 Jan 2019
Commented: Guillaume on 31 Jan 2019
i have cell array of 1x112 cell
each cell consists of mx3 matix
i want to get all matix in the cell array as seprate martrix in workspace
Praveen Kumar Ramani
Praveen Kumar Ramani on 31 Jan 2019
Sir i have loaded in workspace,
i want each matix from a cell array to be separated as a single single matix which should be appear in my workspace
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 31 Jan 2019
OK , upload your data file,
Remark: As seen from the picture each cell has different matrix sizes.
Target: When you say separate matrix what do you want the size of each matrix to be , remember each should have the same size when concatenated along the third dimension. If you say it should have the same size as the original form then keeping it as cell is the only way. So your call..

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Answers (2)

Ollie A
Ollie A on 31 Jan 2019
Edited: Ollie A on 31 Jan 2019
You could try using:
M = {}; % Your cell
N = cat(3,M{:}); % Concatenate matrices along 3rd dimension
This will give you a single matrix rather than 112 separate matrices.
  1 Comment
Praveen Kumar Ramani
Praveen Kumar Ramani on 31 Jan 2019
have cell array of 1x112 cell
each cell consists of matix of variable sizes
i want to get all matix in the cell array as seprate martrix or array in matlab workspace
plz find pic

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Guillaume on 31 Jan 2019
Edited: Guillaume on 31 Jan 2019
"i want to get all matix in the cell array as seprate martrix in workspace"
The follow-ups to that question will be how do I create the variable names dynamically, how do I loop over all these variables or something similar.
The answer: Don't do that. Your matrices are perfectly usable as they are. You don't need them as separate variables, it is much easier to keep them as a cell array. Dynamically creating 112 different variables would be madness. It would be slow, hard to debug and you wouldn't be able to use them efficiently.
If you explain what you want to do with these 112 matrices, we can show you how to use that cell array properly.
Praveen Kumar Ramani
Praveen Kumar Ramani on 31 Jan 2019
I want all the matrix one by one to be an input for matlab function
Guillaume on 31 Jan 2019
Trivially done with a cell array:
for i = 1:numel(Microtrips)
result = somefunction(Microtrips{i}) %call function with each matrix in turn.
%... some more code

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