'Envelope' function doesn't work anymore

3 views (last 30 days)
Conny Boldt
Conny Boldt on 31 Jan 2019
Answered: Luna on 31 Jan 2019
Hi all,
I am experiencing a strange problem with a code that I wrote about a year ago. It seems that the key of my problem is that the 'envelope' function doesn't work anymore.
Essentially, I can't even reproduce the first example from the mathworks website https://uk.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/envelope.html anymore. Matlab is just 'Busy' for an insanely long time and 'Ctrl + c' doesn't stop the process either.
I have just updated from 2017b to 2018b to see if this solves the problem, but it doesn't. I use Windows 7.
Grateful for any help! Thanks!
Conny Boldt
Conny Boldt on 31 Jan 2019
Edited: Conny Boldt on 31 Jan 2019
Hi, apologies, the example is
t = 0:1/2000:2-1/2000;
q = chirp(t-2,4,1/2,6,'quadratic',100,'convex').*exp(-4*(t-1).^2);
[up,lo] = envelope(q);
hold on
hold off
It is the first example from the mathworks website.
With ctrl+c, matlab doesn't stop at all, atm I have to force the programme to stop in order to exit the script.
Conny Boldt
Conny Boldt on 31 Jan 2019
Hi Jan, I have tested Ok = UniqueFuncNames().
After uninstalling several tookboxes, the remaining two conflicts are
-- rtwTargetInfo:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\coder\coder\rtwTargetInfo.p
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\toolbox\coder\foundation\build\tools\registry\rtwTargetInfo.p
Yet I don't even have the coder toolbox in my add-on list? I am a bit confused about what to do now.

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Answers (1)

Luna on 31 Jan 2019
Maybe this would help you:
rehash toolboxcache
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