Extracting matrix values for an algorithm

1 view (last 30 days)
HEllo Everyone
I have an n*2 array,, The first column represent x values and the second represent y values of certain object coordinates. What i wanna do is to use those values in the array sequentitally to run a specific algorithm of them. SO in essence can someone help in how can i extract the values of the array, such that i extract x1,y1,, run algorith on them and then x2,y2 as such. I have written the alogorithm below and the way i am getting center values is in attached image.. Any suggestion or help is greatly appreciated.
figure, imshow(mush);
hold on
y= 199;
boxHalfWidth = 40; %
boxXStart = x-boxHalfWidth;
boxYStart = y-boxHalfWidth;
boxWidth = 2 * boxHalfWidth;
boxHeight = 2 * boxHalfWidth;
rectangle('Position',[boxXStart boxYStart boxWidth boxHeight])

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 1 Feb 2019
Something like this?
xy = your n x 2 array
n = size(xy,1);
for k=1:n
% run your algorithm here with x = xy(k,1) and y = xy(k,2)

More Answers (1)

deep Dhillon
deep Dhillon on 1 Feb 2019
James Thanks a lot
It works perfectly


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