Hi, to make properties of an object in MATLAB immutable after they have been set, you can utilize MATLAB's object-oriented programming features. Below is an implementation that incorporates the concept of immutable properties using object-oriented programming. We will create a custom class ‘ImmutableModel’ that encapsulates the neural network model and includes immutable properties for a unique identifier and creation history.
Include Class in .m file
properties(SetAccess = private)
function obj = ImmutableModel(model, uniqueID, creationHistory)
obj.CreationHistory = creationHistory;
Code for implementation
net = feedforwardnet(hiddenLayerSize);
net = configure(net, X', Y');
creationHistory = 'Created for binary classification task on XOR data';
immutableModel = ImmutableModel(net, uniqueID, creationHistory);
fprintf('Unique ID: %s\n', immutableModel.UniqueID);
fprintf('Creation History: %s\n', immutableModel.CreationHistory);
isObject = isobject(immutableModel.Model);
fprintf('Neural Network is an object: %d\n', isObject);
- ImmutableModel Class: This class encapsulates the neural network (Model), along with UniqueID and CreationHistory properties. These properties are set to be immutable by using SetAccess = private, meaning they can only be set within the class constructor.
- Constructor: The constructor initializes the Model, UniqueID, and CreationHistory properties. Once set, these properties cannot be changed from outside the class.
- Main Script: In the main script, we create a neural network and configure it with input and target data. We then create an instance of ImmutableModel, passing the network, a unique identifier, and creation history as arguments.
This approach ensures that critical metadata about the model remains consistent and unchangeable after initial assignment, thereby supporting quality control and traceability.