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Sequentialfs, the squential feature selection function of matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
What is the machine learning model used in the squentialfs function of matlab, the squentialfs function of matlab?
Is this model restricted to just a template pre-determined by matlab or the machine classification model can vary according to the developer's need?
For example Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, knn.

Answers (1)

Bernhard Suhm
Bernhard Suhm on 5 Mar 2019
You determine which model it uses by how you define the function fun that calculates a criterion based on training and test data. Typically, you train some model of your choice on the training data, and return the accuracy or loss of that model on the test data. See also sequentialfs doc page or this example on stackoverflow.
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Letícia Silva
Letícia Silva on 6 Mar 2019
SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,y,'KernelFunction','gaussian', 'KernelScale','auto');
In this example, the default template is SVM. If you want to define a model based on neural networks how would it be?

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