Undefined variable "vision" or class "vision.HoughTransform".
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James Kempton
on 6 Mar 2019
Answered: James Kempton
on 6 Mar 2019
I am using MATLAB version 2018b. I have the Computer Vision Toolbox installed as confirmed by using the ver command. However, upon using the following code:
hhoughtrans = vision.HoughTransform(pi/360,'ThetaRhoOutputPort', true);
I receive the following error message: Undefined variable "vision" or class "vision.HoughTransform".
Similarly, when using:
hhoughlines = vision.HoughLines('SineComputation','Trigonometric function');
I receive: Undefined variable "vision" or class "vision.HoughLines".
My conclusion is that vision.HoughTransform and vision.HoughLines are no longer supported though I haven't seen anywhere something to the contrary. Is this conclusion correct or could there be another issue?
Accepted Answer
James Kempton
on 6 Mar 2019
1 Comment
Sean de Wolski
on 6 Mar 2019
Hmm. It's doing the same thing for me. The release notes states that they planned on removing this at some point:
But yet I still see it mentioned in Fixed Point Deisgner in 18b so there's a bug somewhere, doc or otherwise.
More Answers (2)
Sean de Wolski
on 6 Mar 2019
Do you have the computer vision system toolbox installed and licensed?
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