Row index exceeds matrix dimensions

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a 143x4 matrix, which looks like this
A=[ 1 556037.025 6237642.046 5.964;
1 556037.035 6237642.041 5.960;
1 556037.028 623742.041 5.967;
2 556032.654 623730.067 10.368;
2 556032.652 623730.060 10. 364;
4 556042.000 623730.000 5.000;
4 556042.002 623730.005 5.010] ;
Column 1 is the point number, column 2-4 are X,Y,Z coordinates.
Each point is measured between 1 and 5 times.
My code is:
out(:,2:end)=out(:,2:end) - m{A(:,1),3:end}
I get the error Row index exceeds table dimensions
I have tried to test different scenarios and the error occurs when a point is missing, for example if there is no point number 7, so the first column goes from 6 to 8.
Any idea what is wrong?
Peter Larsen
Peter Larsen on 24 Apr 2019
The complete code is updated now
Peter Larsen
Peter Larsen on 24 Apr 2019
It works until the numbers in column 1 skips a number (See updated revision). If the point number skips from 2 to 4 without having a point number 3, the error occurs

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 24 Apr 2019
T = array2table(A);
m = varfun(@mean,T,'GroupingVariables',1);
out = A;
[~,~,ii] = unique(A(:,1));
out(:,2:end) = out(:,2:end) - m{ii,3:end};

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