Face Liveness detection ....

1 view (last 30 days)
priti kale
priti kale on 20 May 2019
Commented: Rik on 20 May 2019
my code is below in which live face crop mannualy after that crop face shows then I crop manually skin of that face and save in 50 by 50 pixel and then I have to comapre that skin image having size 50 by 50 with my two database One of them database is of 50 images is fake face skin by mobile captured another database is live face skin captured by webcam. I have to compare with that live skin image with two database what to do...?? my code is
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1);
set(vid, 'ReturnedColorSpace', 'RGB');
img = getsnapshot(vid);
j= imcrop(img);
k= imcrop(j);
test =imresize(k,[50 50]);
figure, imshow(test);
newName = strcat(num2str(1),'.jpg');
imwrite(test,['test\' newName,]);
testpath = 'C:\Users\PRITI KALE\Desktop\rani\test';
TestImage = strcat(testpath,'\','1.jpg');
D = dir(TestImage);
imgcount = 0;
for i=1 : size(D,1)
if not(strcmp(D(i).name,'.')|strcmp(D(i).name,'..')|strcmp(D(i).name,'Thumbs.db'))
imgcount1 = imgcount + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
str = strcat(TestImage ,'\',int2str(i),'.jpg');
img = imread(TestImage);
img = rgb2gray(img);
glcm2 = graycomatrix(img);
stats1 = graycoprops(glcm2);
Datapath2 = 'C:\Users\PRITI KALE\Desktop\rani\fake\Fake'; % path of program files and data on your pc
disp 'start....'
disp 'reading dataset...'
D = dir(Datapath2);
imgcount1 = 0;
for i=1 : size(D,1)
if not(strcmp(D(i).name,'.')|strcmp(D(i).name,'..')|strcmp(D(i).name,'Thumbs.db'))
imgcount2 = imgcount1 + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
for i = 1 :50
str = strcat(Datapath2,'\',int2str(i),'.jpg');
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
glcm2 = graycomatrix(img);
stats2 = graycoprops(glcm2);
fake(i)=stats2.Homogeneity; %#ok<SAGROW>
Datapath2 = 'C:\Users\PRITI KALE\Desktop\rani\live\Live'; % path of program files and data on your pc
disp 'start....'
disp 'reading dataset...'
D = dir(Datapath2);
imgcount2 = 0;
for i=1 : size(D,1)
if not(strcmp(D(i).name,'.')|strcmp(D(i).name,'..')|strcmp(D(i).name,'Thumbs.db'))
imgcount3 = imgcount2 + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
for i = 1 :50
str = strcat(Datapath2,'\',int2str(i),'.jpg');
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
glcm2 = graycomatrix(img);
stats2 = graycoprops(glcm2);
live(i)=stats2.Homogeneity; %#ok<SAGROW>
output = live1(i)>= fake(i) & live1(i)<= fake(i);
if output<=0.9894
disp('The image is live ') % display
disp('The image is fake ') % display
  1 Comment
Rik on 20 May 2019
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