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How can I use Python pandas in MATLAB?

94 views (last 30 days)
Looking at this tutorial (, it appears easy to use a Python module in MATLAB.
I'd like to execute the following Python code snippet in MATLAB:
import pandas
tbl = pandas.read_csv('xxxxx.csv')
However, the following does not work in MATLAB.
tbl = py.pandas.read_csv('xxxxx.csv')
Any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Kouichi C. Nakamura
Kouichi C. Nakamura on 22 May 2019
Edited: Kouichi C. Nakamura on 23 May 2019
pyversion returns Python installation outside of Anaconda.
>> pyversion
version: '2.7'
executable: 'C:\Python27\python.EXE'
library: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\python27.dll'
home: 'C:\Python27'
isloaded: 1
So I needed to change the reference to the Anaconda version of Python.
After relaunching MATLAB, I used pyversion again to change the Python path. Then py.pandas.read_csv() worked!
>> pyversion 'C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2\python.EXE'
>> pyversion
version: '2.7'
executable: 'C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2\python.EXE'
library: 'C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2\python27.dll'
home: 'C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2'
isloaded: 1
>> py.pandas.read_csv('xxxxxxxxx.csv')
ans =
Python DataFrame with properties:
T: [1×1 py.pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]
at: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexing._AtIndexer]
axes: [1×2 py.list]
blocks: [1×1 py.dict]
columns: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]
empty: 0
iat: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexing._iAtIndexer]
iloc: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexing._iLocIndexer]
index: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexes.range.RangeIndex]
is_copy: [1×1 py.NoneType]
ix: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexing._IXIndexer]
loc: [1×1 py.pandas.core.indexing._LocIndexer]
ndim: 2
shape: [1×2 py.tuple]
size: 120
style: [1×1]
values: [1×1 py.numpy.ndarray]
0 ...
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
6 ...
7 ...
8 ...
9 ...
10 ...
11 ...
12 ...
13 ...
14 ...
[15 rows x 8 columns]
Dominik Mattioli
Dominik Mattioli on 13 Jun 2019
You didn't need to point python to your anaconda environment too? Particularly, where the environment in which pandas is installed?
Brett Swanson
Brett Swanson on 23 Jun 2020
It probably worked because the default Anaconda environment ("base") has a huge number of modules (including pandas) installed.

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More Answers (1)

Artem Lensky
Artem Lensky on 25 May 2022
It implements two funcions:
  • df2t - that converts Pandas DataFrame to Matlab Table
  • t2df - that converts Matlab Table to Pandas DataFrame.
The examples are shown in test.mlx. Here is one example
Name = {["Roger", "Sanchez"];
["Paul", "Johnson"];
["Lisa", "Li"];
["Don", "Diaz"];
["Havana ", "Brown"]};
Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Smoker = logical([1;0;1;0;1]);
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
BloodPressure = [124 93; 109 77; 125 83; 117 75; 122 80];
T = table(Name,Age,Smoker,Height,Weight,BloodPressure);
T.BMI = (T.Weight * 0.453592)./(T.Height * 0.0254).^2;
df = t2df(T); % Convert Table to Python Pandas
% Sample from the dataframe
df_sampled = df.sample(int64(10), replace=true); % Call DataFrame functions
table_sampled = df2t(df_sampled) % Convert DataFrame back to Table

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