how can i create a random motion with a specified curve

2 views (last 30 days)
how can i produce a random motion with a specified curve ?
i want to simulate a random motion which is fitting the following curve. can anyone please help me with that ?
many thanks
an example like this

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 May 2019
See my attached demo to fit a decay curve. Put in the points you see on the graph to train it. For example (0.5, 8) and (5, 1).
Then, simply use rand() to add random noise to the y vector, and possibly also the x vector (if you want).
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 May 2019
Edited: Image Analyst on 26 May 2019
Oh, I thought you were trying to create a simulation (you did mention simulation in your first post). If you have actual data, then simply use plot() to plot your existing data.

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