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importdata not correctly importing a data file

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm using importdata to read in a data file. Here is the command:
SomeData = importdata('DataFileName',' ',1);
This data file has 11 columns and is very, very, very long. I thought maybe the size of the file was the problem, but I checked the file size and it's actually smaller than another data file of the same format that works fine with the same importdata command that I have above.
PS... Is there some file size limit that shouldn't be exceeded for importdata? I had one huge file that seemed corrupted when I imported it using importdata.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 27 Aug 2012
What isn't working?
Does it import any data at all?
Have you tried textscan?
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 27 Aug 2012
What does "not correctly importing" mean?
What you think is correct might not be common knowledge to the contributors of the forum, don't assume we saw your file.

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