display info of pixel after for loop

1 view (last 30 days)
Yoni Verhaegen
Yoni Verhaegen on 20 Jun 2019
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 20 Jun 2019
I am using a for loop over some weather data to indicate severity of a thunderstorm situation, see the code below.
I am wondering now, if I display the image with imagesc(), is there a way that by clicking on the pixel, the reason why this value is assigned will be displayed?
For example, if I click on a pixel with value 1, it would display a text box saying "because 10 < cape < 750 and shear < 20"
for i = 1:size(cape_fin,1)
for j = 1:size(cape_fin,2)
if cape_fin(i,j) > 10 && cape_fin(i,j) < 750 && shear_fin(i,j) < 20
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 1;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 10 && cape_fin(i,j) < 750 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 2;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 10 && cape_fin(i,j) < 750 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 2;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) < 20 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 750 && cape_fin(i,j) < 1300 && shear_fin(i,j) < 20 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 2;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 1300 && cape_fin(i,j) < 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 1300 && cape_fin(i,j) < 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 1300 && cape_fin(i,j) < 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 1300 && cape_fin(i,j) < 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 1300 && cape_fin(i,j) < 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) < 20
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 3;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 5;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 6.6 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.3
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) < 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) < 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) > 20 && shear_fin(i,j) < 40 && tlr_600_800_fin(i,j) > 7.3 || tlr_500_700_fin(i,j) > 7.9
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
elseif cape_fin(i,j) > 2000 && shear_fin(i,j) < 20
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 4;
hail_prob_level_fin(i,j) = 1;

Answers (1)

KALYAN ACHARJYA on 20 Jun 2019
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 20 Jun 2019
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