Scatter3 appears to require categorical values

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to make a scatter3 plot using three vectors of double values. When I attempt this, Matlab gives the following error message:
Values plotted against x-axis must be categorical values. To create categorical values, use the CATEGORICAL function.
In addition to getting this error when I feed in arrays of my data, I see this error message when I put in values manually (i.e., not using a reference to a variable) and also when I try the following code from the scatter3 documentation:
z = linspace(0,4*pi,250);
x = 2*cos(z) + rand(1,250);
y = 2*sin(z) + rand(1,250);
I am using Matlab R2019a. Any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Jun 2019
I predict that you are doing this on top of an existing axes that had categorical values on the x axes. You cannot mix categorical and non-categorical plots on the same axes.

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